Dealing With The Noisy Neighbours

Posted on: 15 November 2016

Dealing With The Noisy Neighbours

It’s a fact of life that your time in your home will be defined by what your neighbours are like.

The best kind of neighbours are the ones you don’t even know exist! Should your neighbours be slightly less considerate, here are a few tips on how to handle a noisy neighbour.

Build bridges
When you first move in to the property, make sure you introduce yourself to your new neighbours. Putting a name to a face can humanise you a little in the eyes of your neighbours.

It’ll also set up some kind of common ground for the next stage…

Talk to them!
Are they early risers who don’t trouble to keep the noise down? Or maybe they throw parties at every possible weekend? Don’t go for the passive aggressive letter/social media post method or jump forward to involving the solicitors, just go round and talk to them. Nine times out of ten they’ll be horrified that they’ve disturbed you and will try to keep it down.

Don’t forget, they’re entitled to live their life too, so make sure you’re willing to compromise on how to resolve the problem.

Speak to their landlord
Most tenancy agreements come with a clause stating that they can’t be a nuisance or problem for the neighbours. If the talks break down and the problem persists, then your solicitor can help you find the landlord’s name and contact details.

Another tactic you can take if they’re tenants (or homeowners) is to get the solicitor to write them a letter. A tenant is in a constantly precarious position so a formal letter might be enough to get them to straighten up.

Involve the council
Should the landlord prove ineffective, or should the neighbours own the house, then the council is your best option for sorting the problem out.

Under the Noise Act 1996 (and other associated legislation), your local council must investigate all noise complaints. Should they agree with you, then they’ll send an abatement order to the neighbour. Should they break the stipulations laid down in the order, then they can be fined up to £5000 (£20000 if they’re a business). Noise devices can also legally be confiscated.

This can be a difficult step to take, because at the end of the day you have to continue to live next door to your neighbours. If the abatement escalates things, and you feel threatened, don’t hesitate to call the police.

Should you wish to preserve your relationship with the neighbours you could always attend a mediation. An impartial third party can help you to come to some sort of middle ground that allows both of you to get a fair deal, without burning those bridges you built.


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