Most Wanted Luxury Property Features Revealed

Posted on: 11 May 2016

Most wanted luxury property features revealed

We’ve all thought about our dream home at one time or another. The type of home we’d build or buy if we had an unlimited budget. Some would choose a mansion in the countryside, some might go for a hi tech flat in the heart of a busy city and some of us would just buy a private island and call it a day.

Each one of our fantasy homes comes with its own fantasy features. Some people want a helicopter pad, some just want a 20 acre garden. But which were the nation’s favourite luxury features? 

A recent survey conducted by Tepilo, collected responses from 2000 participants on the features they would have to have in their fantasy home.  

Anyone expecting Jonny Depp level properties might as well look away now. The number one feature isn’t quite as lavish as you might expect.

Preference Percentage

  1. Balcony 43%
  2. Relaxation Room 39%
  3. Library 35%
  4. Gym 32%
  5. Cinema 29%
  6. Wine Cellar 25%
  7. Aquarium 25%
  8. Bowling Alley 20%
  9. Nightclub 17%

A surprising 43% of survey participants chose a balcony as their must have feature, which while a nice feature to add to a home, it’s a bit of a departure from the glamorous features that follow. 

Unsurprisingly, the top 5 features are primarily entertainment features, with over a quarter of those asked wanting a library, a gym or a cinema. The UK public clearly likes the idea of having their favourite hobbies closer to home.

Looking at the other end of the chart, the bottom 4 are very much specialist features. A perfect example of this is that a quarter of respondents chose either a wine cellar or aquarium, a fifth of them are interested in a bowling alley and clearly keen on working on their spin technique from the comfort of their own home. At the bottom of the list we have a nightclub being chosen by 17% of the people surveyed, showing a decent amount of the public interested in bringing the party to them.


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